Still it is said in cargo loaders. Yes still it is said and always if it will have to speak of cargo loaders. If they were not to ombrear bags and bags of coffee, sugar, wheat and other granaries, the ports would not have subsistido. Much if must the cargo loaders. today becomes necessary that the classroom of the stowage, either recognized and valued. Something more still.
Trained and enabled. The future trend indicates that the manual stowage tends to lose space day the day. The stowed load mechanization already is a reality. During more than 12 years Brazil lost space in the world-wide market of Comodities agricultural. Had to the high prices practised for embarked ton.
Much was said and very it was promised. Nothing one became and nothing it was marked. In the south and Southeastern region of Brazil the ports present signals of trashing and at the same time of modernization. Let us analyze the following situation. PORT OF RIO GRANDE. It received R$ 196 million the CAP, that resulted in the withdrawal of 18 million cubical meters of sediments in the internal part of the canal, extending the depth for 16 meters in its internal part and for 18 meters in the external part. Situation that allowed the movement of ships of great transport, the calls after-panamx, already entered in the Port, what it modified the port and economic scene of the region. The volume of load and discharge of ships increased 35%, representing a reduction of 5% in the freight costs. Result: Increase of the competitiveness in function of lesser freights, that had resulted in bigger volumes and varieties of exported and imported products. PORT OF PELLETS. It started to be part of a system of integration with the Port of Rio Grande, that will go to provide to an acceleration in the exportations and importation of the south part of the Rio Grande Do Sul.