In Russia the production of quality furniture is a process that combines advanced design, high-tech as the equipment and materials and, furthermore, a permanent quality control of all process stages. However, on the market today offers such a number of different types of furniture, that an inexperienced buyer is sometimes quite difficult to choose for themselves what is needed specifically for him. Often the only hope for competence seller, he can get in the end not one disappointment. How not to make a humiliating blunder into such an important matter as the choice of the manufacturer of furniture for your interior? To get started, you need to get rid of Some myths imposed upon us consumer advertising. So – the first myth: Imported furniture – quality assurance.
This misconception is based on the popularity of well-known furniture brands. Needless to say, the original production of these Companies worthy of the highest ratings, as, indeed, and the price of this product. But many do not know that the vast majority of imported furniture in Russia today comes on, so called, the "daughter" of these firms, located on the territory of Russia, China and neighboring countries. From the original manufacturer of such products are only colorful brochures, but the logo of the famous brand commercialism. Natural that the quality of This furniture leaves much to be the best – who of us had to deal with defects in the "yellow" or the national assembly to look at, well "branded" products? In addition, to claim the manufacturer, in the case lack of detection frequents incredible because of its remoteness and bureaucratic complications.