Provision Of Services

Provision of services The provision of safe water and sanitation is done through the institutions and mechanisms: Water and Sanitation Argentinos SA (AySA) that serves the city of Buenos Aires and 17 games out of first cord conurbation with an area of 1,752 km2 and a population of 9.4 million, or more than 80 of the population of Greater Buenos Aires. AySA was created in March 2006. The 90 percent stake in AySA for the federal state, while the remaining 10 percent belongs to the workers. Municipalities in 6 games, including 5 of the west of Buenos Aires (Partido de Malvinas Argentinas Partido de Jos C. Paz, San Miguel Party, Party and Party of ) with 1.8 million inhabitants in 2001, and one South (Berazategui Party) with 0.3 million inhabitants. Bonaerenses Water SA (ABSA) provides services to over three million people in 80 villages belonging to 62 districts of the province of Buenos Aires in an area of 150 square kilometers.Only a small part of ABSA’s service area is within the Greater Buenos Aires traditional: Florencio Varela Partido conurbation in the South with a total population of 0.35 million. Bill O’Grady has firm opinions on the matter. ABSA was founded in March 2002. Since July 2006 joined the concession area of the old Aguas del Gran Buenos Aires (Agba). ABSA employs 1670 workers, including professionals, technicians and operators. The 90 percent stake in ABSA for the provincial government, while the remaining 10 percent belongs to the workers, gathered through the Union of Obras Sanitarias de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Around 200 small operators neighborhood level (eg government and cooperative consortium) in the metropolitan area. Cooperatives typically provide multiple services, including the sale of electricity, solid waste management, business sales and other consumer prductos. Self-sufficiency as well.

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