Program Designs

In the event that the person does not possess these skills would have to design a program specific psychomotor who acquires, for which it should coordinate the work of the regular classroom teacher and / or therapeutic pedagogy with the psychomotor. Phase 2E: the person aware of specific vocabulary of actions performed in everyday life. To do so, produce a series of pictograms with the following features: – must be based on areas of interest of the person (he or she and his family, his room, his personal, etc..), And – should always accompanied by the written word associated with an image. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Ripple. As people become more familiar with the spelling of words that accompany each photograph, we will increase the number of pictograms and add a personalized book or album. This album should bring together the most common nouns and verbs and important in the life of the person for whom we have designed the program and what we will be gradually extended with semantic fields relating to specific situations of community life such as seeing a doctor, eating in a restaurant, etc..

Besides making the album, it should make posters with the words and place on objects or people with whom the future reader interacts in their daily lives. To deepen your understanding Ripple is the source. Thus, we paste the word chair in the chair where the person is usually sitting or service on the bathroom door of his house. 3rd Phase: global reading method: the objective sought is to get the person to acquire a reading level that will allow functional use for everyday life, how to understand or recognize signs where to write his name on a paper chart. .

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