and offer expertise on all of Motorsport enjoys a growing popularity for many years in Germany. Last but not least due to the large media coverage, he is a perfect platform to present a company in public. The modal gmbh & co. kg and the DESAG – German experts society mbH are represented for several years as a sponsor of promising young talent in motorsport. Attributes like dynamics, speed, prestige, precision and passion represent our company philosophies.
Also for the season 2011 / 2012 a lucrative sponsorship deal waiting for a young and promising young talent. Applications can be submitted until August 16, 2010. How to contact with commitment of modal gmbh & co. under kg and the DESAG – German experts Gesellschaft mbH in motor sport is not only limited to sponsorship. We support new technical developments through a nationwide network of experts, evaluate deficiencies and make approaches to quality management in different areas of motor sport production for safety and compliance with standards.
Professionals of all industries benefit from our experience. Future – and market-oriented training provide their expert network and the European experts being young. Of course, we would like to keep sight of the big picture and specialize not only in the automotive industry. Our services in the areas of advanced training, coaching and mediation of experts include all professional and qualification forms. Modal and DESAG are your strong partner in building a professional future in the expert system. Professionals we offer the possibility to train as: car experts for damage to vehicles and valuation expert for damage to buildings expert for the valuation of developed and undeveloped land expert for home automation / engineering computer expert systems and applications of information processing in the commercial and administrative field experts for data protection and IT – Security / Privacy Commissioner IT forensic special experts (experts from other departments E.g. fire safety experts, medical etc.) The tasks of DESAG taking over versatile tasks in expert and appraiser DESAG of German expert company. The care and support of connected members and experts is one of the most important tasks. The DESAG helps your members all review technical matters. Family experts and lawyers, the DESAG can respond to enquiries and problems very quickly and flexibly. We serve our members for the evaluation and assessment of damage reports, valuations, insurance reports, Court reports and private opinion. On the part of the German expert society DESAG reviewers of all disciplines are maintained.