If plates are used in fire safety (for example, insulation of basement walls or pavement), it is recommended to use the version without additives retardants. Thermal insulation of walls is well known that through the exterior walls out "on the street," 20-25% of the heat, which loses the building. In older homes, this figure is twice as high. Plate Primaplex used for insulation of walls: the outside of the facade; inside of the interior, within the enclosing structure (in a layered masonry). In systems with "wet facade "extruded polystyrene are attached to walls or clamps are attached by special adhesives and mastic, which does not destroy the structure of polystyrene. Insulation inside the walls make the already operated buildings, if you want extra insulation or when the thermal insulation of the facade is problematic. Strength, correct geometry, ease of installation, low thickness and weight – all these qualities make the plate sag, water resistant, not deformed by freezing – thawing. In favor of Primaplex and their other advantages, as mentioned above.
In addition, the layered masonry, they can serve as an air and vapor barrier, reducing heat loss associated with convection air. It is through the roof insulation of the roof come the greatest loss of heat. Well-insulated roof provides energy savings throughout the building: it is easier to maintain optimum temperature and humidity conditions in the underlay area and, consequently, can increase the lifespan of roofing structures and the whole building. Range of application boards Primaplex on the roof is very wide: it can be as flat and pitched roof construction, new buildings and exploited. In the case of old roof insulation boards are laid directly on it – first to remove the roof waterproofing, or to repair ties do not necessary. On pitched roofs solve the problem of thermal bridges which occur at warming the soft roof insulation between the rafters. Finally, Primaplex can be used when constructing the inversion of roofs, which used when creating a pedestrian terraces, green roofs, autoparkings.
Thermal insulation of underground facilities have already mentioned the possible negative impacts on the construction of frost heaving. Their can prevent or avoid, and insulate the underground part of the building. Partially solves the problem of the device under the foundation of sand bags and sand backfill. However, to fully counteract frost heave is not enough – it is necessary to insulate the foundation around the perimeter of the building. The use of polystyrene plates allows the walls of the underground facility to store heat and provides a constant comfortable temperature in the space under the ground in winter and summer. Thermal insulation of the basement will reduce heat loss, will prevent the walls from condensation, mold and mildew. In insulated basement rooms without additional heating temperature is maintained +5-10 C. Thermal protection by means of a heater Primaplex significantly increases the durability of waterproofing membrane that protects the building from the effects of soil water and moisture.