Network Marketing

Yes, the dream of many! But to me this is not enough of all this, I would still have their money, their own expense, a business I never wanted to depend on the bosses and her husband included! I think the prerequisites enough To understand why one day I jumped at the opportunity of network marketing. Result: The credit for the apartment we paid for 5 years instead of 10, setting goals and drawing a map of your desires, we walked and we go according to the chosen course, I-House, I have their business, their income, their own Golden Chicken. Son, finishing school, studying at the faculty, which he dreamed, I like what I do: reveals the possibilities for people, possibly better than a life! And it works! The husband went out to retirement! I have the word 'scam' about the network markteinge heard much later and was surprised by it, that word. Who invented it? a complete idiot or worse say fool? Or maybe lazy, justifying themselves and their idleness? Honestly, I it is not clear! Do you have debts, you need a lot of money on loans, you do not have a , you forgot when resting, what do your kids: try to occupy yourself at least something, because their parents justify their reluctance to see the obvious things and even do something about the word 'scam'. A very comfortable position! For those who think so, but not for me and for the millions of distributors of different networking companies who change their lives and the lives of people going for them, and try to open the show with a great opportunity of our time for everybody, but stumble on stubbornness, ignorance or simply the stupidity! Reading, you offended, but take offense to myself, what you have is the result of Your actions! Your choice in favor of the life you live! People just open your eyes, take a look-world is wonderful enough to look at the extreme of your failures! What you have is a result of your actions, your choice! Tough? Yes! I'm not going to stroke your head and feel sorry for Network Marketing smiles to their passive income, with their golden eggs and all the good things of life, who follow his principles, who works on holidays and on weekdays, who examines its rules and laws and apply them in my life! Who acting, increases its value on the planet Earth, and shows other this way! Does not describe all that I got tied their fate to the company network marketing! But I got not just so, not just because I chose Network Marketing for their income, but because I saw all these opportunities and work hard. And today I continue to move forward, because my last name yet not in the journal fobos ', then I have work to do and something to strive for! Nature always provides an alternative! And today's crisis is an opportunity! Think about why you should anyone give a job? May be it is time to himself create jobs and to show others how is this possible? You decide my contemporaries: network marketing for you messy or golden hen?.

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