Market Education

24.6% of the blacks with more than 15 years do not have instruction some and 42.8% have incomplete basic education. In the top of the pyramid, with complete superior education it has only 2.3% of blacks, while the not black percentage enters is of 8,8%. In the state sphere, the panorama of the DIIESE (I KNOW, 2010), in the Special Bulletin of the Research of Job and Unemployment of the Region Metropolitan of Salvador? The Inaquality between Not Black Blacks and in the Market of Work, is also entristecedor: Exactly with the increase of income for the blacks (13.9%) that it stops the not black ones (12.3%), the reduction of the difference enters these values did not mean an improvement consistent (0.6%) since the income of the blacks in relation to the one of the not black ones was of 48,6% in 2004 and passed to 49,2% in 2008; The blacks had answered for 85,4% of the PEA of the Region Metropolitan of Salvador in 2008. By the same author: Ripple. The presence between the busy ones was of 84,5% and alou 89.2% between the unemployeds. In this year, the contingent of economically active blacks was esteem in 1.567 a thousand people, of which 332 a thousand meet dismissed; The black women? for a sort, but etnia question not only also? they withhold the results most favorable: its tax of total unemployment was highest (25.2%, in 2008), while of the not black ones it corresponded 18.0%; How much to the levels of qualification and types of tasks associates, the subservincia still remains: it had rise of the participation of not black in ranks of direction, management and planning (27.2% – 28.4%), while of blacks it was remained steady (9.1%); it increased the participation of blacks in execution tasks (56.2% – 57.6%) and declined of not black (43.1% – 42.6%); The escolaridade presents that the not alfabetizadas people until whom they possess incomplete education average were classified 43.4% of the busy blacks and 18% of the not black and the ones that consider of complete average education until the complete superior were 56.6% of busy blacks and 82% of the not black ones. .

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