Manage The Time A Value Towards Persons

It is the art of making that serve for the benefit of individuals and societies. As time does not exist in itself, time management is the administration of itself; proper management of resources in any order, since there is not a single reality that subtract at the time. Time is like a drop of water that evaporates. We can not physically capture or lock him to do ours. The management of time is an illusion, because nobody can really manage time. Time is a constant. A measure of intervals. Regardless of who we are or what we are trying to achieve, time continues to move at the same pace.

We will continue to use the expression managing the time to identify our efforts, to use our available time with some meaning. Manage the time really means we manage ourselves, so that we can optimize the time that we have. It means to conduct our affairs within the time available so that we can achieve more effective results. Should take into account that efficiency is more important than efficiency. The goal must be the achievement of objectives, not just being busy. Many people operate under the mistaken belief that they would have time for everything, if only they could organize their hours more efficiently.

The result is often an attempt to perform their tasks more quickly, reasoning that if they could be fast enough, they could have extra time. Tim Clark recognizes the significance of this. Of course, this rarely works and as a strategy for using the time is very poor. Very often, work quickly causes problems. Working under pressure more mistakes are made, there is less time to think, plan and reflect before making decisions to solve problems. As a result, the days begin to seem frantic. When the pressure doesn’t work, often adopting a second strategy: work more hours. We all do this eventually, but when it becomes routine, other problems are generated: the weekly hours are lengthened to 70, 80 or more.

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