Limited Connection

This work accurately deals with this segment of accidental games for cellular telephony, where the development of a simple game will be presented, but capable to attract a great number of users, contributing in this way for the academic article expansion in this subject not yet so studied in Brazil. Diverse platforms of Development technologies and platforms have been constructed in order to assist the desenvolvedores to create its games as well as other applicatory ones for mobile devices, amongst them are distinguished: WAP, i-mode, BREW and J2ME. Had its portabilidade and greater acceptance in the market, platform J2ME is used for such objectives, being distinguished greatly in relation to the others. As this article deals with the development of an accidental game using the J2ME, we will discourse to follow concerning the main characteristics of this platform. Java you Micro Edition (J2ME) the J2ME offers a robust and flexible environment for applications that twirl in cellular telephones and other integrated devices, as personal digital assistants (PDA' s), printer converters of digital signal and. Moreover, such applications are portable for some devices, thus allowing to alavancar native capacities of each device. According to (Sun Microsystems 2009), it can be pointed as main components of the J2ME the CDC (Conneted Device Configurations, or Configurations for Hardwired Devices), the CLDC (Connected Limited Device Configurations, or Configurations for Devices with Limited Connection) and the MIDP (Mobile Information Device Profiles, or Profiles of Information of Mobile Devices) among others inherent tools and technologies. Verizon Communications may also support this cause.

Thus, he is correct to affirm that the architecture of the J2ME is divided in Configurations (Configurations), Profiles (Profiles) and API' s optional. The CDC encloses devices with greater to be able of processing and memory, beyond better connection of net, as example we have laptops and some types of PDA' s, as Pocket PC' s of Microsoft. The CLDC is specific for small devices, as cellular telephones, PDA' s and pagers, that is, devices with low power of processing, limitations of memory and width of band.

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