Law Validity

(Enclosed for the Law n 12,441, of 2011) (Validity) 1 the enterprise name will have to be formed by the inclusion of the expression ' ' EIRELI' ' after the firm or the social denomination of the individual company of limited responsibility. (Enclosed for the Law n 12,441, of 2011) (Validity) 2 the natural person that to constitute individual company of responsibility only limited will be able to appear in an only company of this modality. (Enclosed for the Law n 12,441, of 2011) (Validity) 3 the individual company of responsibility also limited will be able to result of the concentration of the quotas of another societria modality in an only partner, independently of the reasons that had motivated such concentration. (Enclosed for the Law n 12,441, of 2011) (Validity) 4 (VETOED). (Enclosed for the Law n 12,441, of 2011) (Validity) 5 Could be attributed to the individual company of responsibility limited constituted for rendering of services of any nature the decurrent remuneration of the cession of patrimonial rights of author or image, name, mark or voice of that is detainer the bearer of the legal entity, tied to the professional activity. (Enclosed for the Law n 12,441, of 2011) (Validity) 6 Applies it the individual company of limited responsibility, in what to fit, the rules foreseen for the limited societies. (Enclosed for the Law n 12,441, of 2011) (Validity) article 1,033 of the Civil Code, also suffered to importance modification, allowing the possibility of the remaining partner to require the transformation of the society in individual company of limited responsibility, in accord with the creation of the new institute in such a way for the lack of plurality of partners, as well as for the concentration of all the quotas of the society at the hands of only partner, in this aspect occurred total modification of the only paragraph of the related article. .

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