It is a hypothesis that has never existed, indicates the Italian Prime Minister. This Friday announced new measures of fit for Italy. These measures include the liberalization of the business market, a labour market reform and acceleration of tax reform. The EC asks that Spain and Italy which implemented the reforms. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi denied Saturday that has raised the possibility of an electoral advancement under the pressure of the markets on public debt of Italy, that it has forced him to announce new economic reforms and accelerate already promised. At all he has never spoken of this.
It is a hypothesis that has never existed, said Berlusconi out of his Roman residence, Palace Grazioli, asked by journalists about a possible general election in 2012, instead of 2013, natural term of the current legislature. The Italian Prime Minister also noted that there is no change in the programmes provided by the Government majority, which comprises, among others, alongside party federalist Northern League (LN) of Umberto Bossi. Bossi announced on Friday evening that the ECB has promised to buy debt in Exchange that prejudged its objective of budgetary balance to 2013, one year earlier than foresaw the 79,000 million euros austerity plan. The League leader added that all are afraid of Government securities to be transformed into wet paper, but achieving the balance of accounts a year earlier, the ECB has guaranteed us that from Monday it will buy government securities: therefore, for us is a solution, a guarantee. Reforms agreed with the EU after an intense day of telephone contacts with key European leaders, the Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi, appeared this Friday to announce the acceleration of certain adjustment measures contained in its recent austerity plan and the approval of new economic reforms. The j of the Italian Government expressed its intention to bring forward a year to 2013, its objective of balance of public accounts, a matter that it also aims to introduce a requirement in the Italian Constitution, for which two parliamentary committees work already from the week that comes. Berlusconi announced further liberalization of the business market, a labour market reform and acceleration of the fiscal reform that must develop the Parliament, following its approval in Council of Ministers on 30 June together with the 79,000 million euros austerity plan.
All of these promises came after a very turbulent day in the markets that made the risk premium on Italian debt exceeded this Friday, for the first time, to the Spanish, playing, at times, its highest since the entry into the euro above 400 basis points. The opposition, willing to help the leader of the main opposition formation, the Democratic Party (PD), Pierluigi Bersani, showed this Saturday in a statement available to collaborate responsibly in the development and acceleration of the reforms to the Government intends to. We will be in the parliamentary commissions with our proposals on the control of public, on fiscal measures, on the simplification of the public structures, about the deregulation and spending other, said Bersani. We will do it responsibly, but having strong our belief, shared, incidentally, by the most important newspapers of the world: in Italy there is a political problem. That problem has not resolved, will gradually burn any effort that the Italians do, he added. Source of the news: Berlusconi ruled out an electoral advancement under the pressure of the markets on Italian debt