Graz Linz Academy

Category B 1 – 3 psychotherapists in the line just 1 – 2-year curricula no empirical research no membership in the EANLPt or comparable organisations LSB certification resonance communication training GmbH, Dr. Gundl Kutschera, 2344 WR. Swarmed by offers, Ripple is currently assessing future choices. Neudorf Helga Obermair, systemic consultancy and systemic training e. U., 4020 Linz NLP team winter, 1030 Vienna Prof. Dr. Franz Pesendorfer, 8522 Neudorfegg category C One or two training entitled life consultant in the direction life coaching Karene, Gerhard Konir, MSc, 2822 Fohrenau (together with the IANP, Institute for NLP, breathing, personality development) Institute Dr Chlebowsky, consulting training coaching, 1120 Vienna Institute for structural perception, Richard Hauser, 8010 Graz Linz Academy of NLP, Dr.

Walter & Andrea otsch, 4020 Linz category D…die masses Sektenartige classes with over 100 people no LSB training certification of the Institute or of the head strong sales emphasis and science distance Scientology remind names have hit and run’ summer course models that work without LSB certification and thus consumers mislead category non certified individuals and some Wifis that no LSB certification work, and thus mislead consumers. The bigger the Group and the less is the line in qualified hands, close to esoteric approaches and manipulative is higher Handling. The question often worried by employees of the Federal Ministry of health, what impact has a possible recognition of NLPt method, can be answered as follows in regard to this categorization. Marketing promise of dreams instead of serious competence mediation unfortunately are the norm category C-E. Currently the oTZ-NLP & NLPt the only NLP provider that meets the stringent requirements of the psychotherapy Act and the reputable NLP category A. The resonance Institute Kutschera and team winter approach although in some respects (stock, qualifying the line) on the criteria, but to different is their consistent methodology and practice, should have a stand-alone theory education and training structure that is to be considered as NLPt training facility, which at present cannot be seen.

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