There is much talk of Marketing by all corners, both in business and in the training, but many really wonder that it is marketing. According to Philip Kotler, it is a social and administrative process by which individuals meet their needs to create and exchange goods and services. Having as main objective to obtain something that you want the other person to offer a fee to change. And personal Marketing? It is a variant of the Marketing, but only applied to people. If we stop a moment to think about personal Marketing as a process, the ultimate goal of Marketing, the satisfaction of needs comes to mind. If you’re steering you have needs to meet, it may be that you seek support and recognition by part of your company and your superiors (if you have them) and collaboration and involvement by your team.
If you are political, if you are entrepreneur, if you’re unemployed, your needs may be the same or may be changing. All persons seek the same thing, meet our needs and recalls that the marketing does not create these needs but they are inherent in the people. People have needs and through Marketing creates the product or service that meets the same. Thanks to the personal Marketing we can work the necessary tool based on the career goals you want to achieve. Personal Branding or Personal branding, seeks to build your own brand and can help you to stand out and be important in your market have notoriety with your audience, to improve your image, to make you more visible, to differentiate yourself from the rest of professionals, to Excel in your business, in your organization, among other aspects. The personal Marketing Plan is a document that details the necessary actions to achieve professional goals you’ve marked, may be getting a new job, or promoting within your work, or achieve success as a professional, or an infinite number of things that you need. Do not hesitate, creates your own personal brand, and uses tools that marketing puts at your disposal. Gives you the opportunity!