German Scope

INTRODUCTION This article has as objective generality to lead to the knowledge of academics, students, professors and any person whom interest in knowing and investigating in the historiogrfica form or other half ones has registered, longing for to identify and to analyze the participation of the Amap that if made inserted in the historical context of 2 Great World-wide War. In the occured transformations in century XX, proceeding from international pacts that had unchained deep changes since the middles of the decade of 40 to the current days. To become an incentive the valuation to the subject to be studied, and that it can contribute for other new articles and research. It appeared of the problematic one to verify, which strategical importance of the been future of the Amap in the contribution for the victorious outcome of the Allies, in the events occurred in global scope, as well as, in the local scope? As the combats that had occurred in the neighborhoods of then the territory, of the decree that creates the base area of the Amap, to the international agreements, investments in warlike power of the involved nations in this chapter of history. The military advance of the Axle guided for the nazista etnocentrismo, in the attempt of implantation of the German supremacy creating a world-wide superior Aryan race, of ' ' espcimes&#039 hunts the others; ' as the enemies were called. The construction De Campos of concentration in conquered and massacreed countries, therefore, holocausto, and in Brazil made expeditions with specific plans to establish a nazista colony, in the Amazon region. When searching on the subject I perceived the scarce material that if can find to work the subject of the participation of the Amap in 2 war. For this reason they had been used as norteadora source for recital of this article, diverse authors, as the article published for Fbio Passion.

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