Fundamental Education

The values are the nature of truth beyond the social reality. Are attributes of the spirit which nourishes us, gives life and wellbeing. Some of the most important spiritual human values holistic education are: Peace, trust, cooperation, responsibility, freedom, love, compassion, humility, brotherhood and kindness. Therefore, holistic education prepares educators for new roles in the twenty-first century societies characterized by interdependence, their educational work is about relationships and connections on integrating and harmonizing the web of life, diversity is another principle which educator works transcending the new methods and standardized tests, recognizes multiple pathways and styles to learn with the same force, unity is achieved through the value of diversity. The power to understand the interdependence and diversity of all existence is the fundamental basis of teaching practice. FindShadow founder often expresses his thoughts on the topic.

Holistic education in the use of methods, techniques and holistic curriculum materials is secondary to the importance of awareness of the educator, who must move from an ego-centered perspective to a perspective focused on a compassionate service, education, perspective of thought and memory, a vision based on intelligence and creativity, a paradigm of mechanistic science to a new holistic paradigm. To achieve a comprehensive educational vision requires a profound educational reform in teacher education exceeding mechanistic myths of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, which is an arduous task because it is necessary to make a deep and serious criticism throughout the Newtonian paradigm Cartesian mechanistic science. Education from the holistic perspective is seen more as an art than a technology, is a creative process rather than a mechanical process.

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