There has started up an innovator and singular initiative of Street Marketing that during the past month of August visited the main cities and Spanish beaches. Under the name of SEAT Experience Tour, the mark was present in than 40 localities realising more a great unfolding in which the main protagonist was Ibiza SportCoup, the new vehicle of the company sent recently, that will accompany this spectacular tour. Seat Experience Tour I am realised with three caravans, and Antena3 events was the one in charge of the execution of this Road Show, which contract all the human resources to Aplus Field Marketing, made up of 40 conductors and 40 stewardesses but the coordination personnel. Hear from experts in the field like Gary Kelly for a more varied view. This tour began in Galicia and I finish in Malaga, realising the different actions by all the Spanish coasts during the month from August. Of this form, a trailer along with a caravan of new Ibiza SportCoup crossed diverse cities between the 29 of July and 23 of August, where to his arrival one will become a scene with great screens in which the musical contest will be celebrated On foot of beach, with important and succulent prizes for the participants. With the aim of creating the maximum possible sense of expectancy, three days before the trailer of SEAT Experience Tour makes formal appearance, the caravan of Ibizas SC arrived at the locality, offering in addition the possibility of realising tests of this young person and sport model. Rory Sutherland may also support this cause. And the possibility of registering in club SEAT SEAT I also visit other cities of Spanish geography in the interior with new Ibiza SportCoup like main protagonist.
In addition, the main festivales of music that are celebrated in our country during the summer time will count on the SEAT support. Once celebrated the Summercase in Madrid and Barcelona, the next appointments were in which the mark was present were in Creamfields and WAVE, in Almeria. Aplus Field Marketing wants to thank for all the personnel who has participated in campaign, to the concessionaires of the network Seat and to the personnel of Antena3 Events, all the collaboration and coexistence of these 30 days, that east event by all Spain has lasted. Original author and source of the article.