Expedito Saint

To frighten it valley everything, broom in foot behind the door of the bathroom, what he is half risky, because this history of the broom behind the door already is very manjada, and to this height it until already inside passes a reviewed tempo reading of the bathroom. Salt in the fire also says that it functions exactly, only that in days of today, in clerical kitchen in the maximum it has microwaves, that it is incompatible with the affection. Same that had fire, to play salt on makes one would estalaria enormous and go to even call the attention the head. You the ferrada one.

To make what, then? To complain me with the head also did not function. It nor gave ball, was soon saying: – He is, Simone owner, insurance there. They are bones of the craft. In its profession Mrs. already it must be customary with these things. It is part.

It does not only leave is to enter in my room. Ah, this not! After all I have a secretary pra that? The secretary is as a shield has, you more is that to hold my bars, Simone owner. Therefore she does not complain not. She has you to to agree that job is difficult. also, until Mrs. is not earning so badly! They say that for a good entendedor, stocking word is enough. – Ah, yes, yes it has, you all reason. But until its friend is very likeable, prestativo, I am that I walk half impatient, it forgives. It is this there, head always has reason. Oh skies I left the room of the resigned man and was for my room, to face mine carma. Ufa, at last arrived my hour of lunch. With certainty the face also must be with hunger and only thus it goes even so – was what I thought about the start of everything – but now prontifica it until already if being in the reception taking care of the telephone, pra to pull the bag of the friend and until already it sits down in my chair! imagines that thanks to it the head gained a customer supimpa, of that binds thus suddenly and they do not want to wait nor one instant. Therefore the unfortunate person took care of a phone call of these exactly in the hour of my lunch and had until the audacity to go to beat in the door of the room of the head, its friend, saying that I already had left, pra to inform that if she dealt with an important customer, who could not wait. From there soon the new customer closed a great business with the firm and I am that I was called to the attention for having left one minute before the schedule, and that if he was not ‘ ‘ its amigo’ ‘ , it it would have lost a good new customer. If you would like to know more then you should visit Phil Vasan. It is soft?

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