Expedia hotel partners are 24 percent more bookings than the market average of Munich, October 06th, 2011. The hotel market in Berlin is growing and the number of overnight stays is steadily rising. The demand in Berlin is constantly to. “, says Arne Erichsen, Director of market management at the Expedia partner services group (PSG). The Expedia hotel partners with the bookings there are even 24 percent above the market average, comparing the booking growth from January to September 2010 to 2011 with the figures of the Federal Statistical Office.” This means a renewed increase of six percentage points compared to the growth in 2010. He was 18 percent above the market average. At the same time, the hotel market in Berlin struggling with oversupply. According to a study by Deloitte is increasing while the number of guests from the country and especially abroad, at the same time, room utilization and room revenue are harder and harder to keep.
The increasing number of beds increases the competition. The hoteliers are even more challenged to prepare better for the future. Online sales can be complement in-house distribution channels so Erichsen: open through the international presentation of the own offer hoteliers growth potentials and new sources of revenue. So the houses even in competitive markets such as Berlin can increase their room utilization and planning security”. Expedia PSG rearms for its Berlin hotel partners to reinforce the Berlin hoteliers for the future, has improved in the last few months again its offer Expedia PSG: a the number of source markets was expanded through new websites, on the other hand, the landing pages revised.
Also Expedia PSG has invested further in the international promotion of the city, continue for guests from home and abroad to make attractive city and hotel partners. Expedia Partner Central (EPC), which with the hoteliers was can update Web site around the clock not only rates and availabilities, but your entire Internet presence also revised so that hotel partners faster and easier access to the tools and services and they can use. We have performed several optimisation measures for our hotel partners so that they are more flexible and better in the market in the future. This has of course not affect costs or commissions,”explains Arne Erichsen. Our investments to selectively improve the business processes of our partners and ultimately increase revenue, utilization and planning security.” About Expedia partner services group, the Expedia partner services group (PSG) belongs to the world’s largest online travel agency Expedia, Inc. Expedia PSG provides global access to the Expedia platform with over 90 websites Expedia and hotels.com, and thousands of partner Web sites service providers in the travel industry. Experienced market manager support personally over 127,000 hotel partner Expedia PSG in the local markets. Expedia PSG is more than a sales channel for hotels, airlines and car rental companies, which guaranteed a presence on all pages of Expedia.Inc. The Company developed jointly with its partners sales and marketing strategies to optimize the number of bookings and the RevPAR. More information about the hotel partner programs from Expedia, joinexpedia.com. Expedia, Inc. changed its name in August 2005 under the name Expedia and is publicly traded in the United States (NASDAQ: EXPE). It combines trusted brands like Expedia Hotels.com, Hotwire, Egenica, TripAdvisor media network, Venere.com, Classic Vacations, ExpediLocalExpert and eLongT. Contact: Expedia partner services group Arne Erichsen’s Director of market management Germany coin 19 10178 Berlin E-Mail: fischerAppelt, relations Catherine Bagusat consultant infantry road 11a, 80797 Munich E-Mail: Tel. 089 / 747466223