Exercise Tips

To make another plate, works the left side. Image: 9. Position V East movement gives a complete extension you of the exercises to become thin in one of the most complicated areas of your body. Typical the abdominal ones do not work so well. Variations like the following one, reduce stress in your back and use more muscles. How to do it? Acustate mouth arrives with the straight legs.

Mantn the arms stretched over your chest, with the fingers aiming towards the wall behind you. Contracting abdominal muscles, it doubles the body upwards, raising the legs of the ground and stretches the arms towards your pes. Mantn the straight back. You do a pause, and soon it returns to the starting point. Image: 10. Shoulder press with small lizards or plates. Many exercises are reduced to a single thing: to raise heavy things over your head.

But often you do not need weights to obtain the same benefit, your own corporal weight gives a good resistance you. By means of the use of a bank (or a chair) this variation to the plate will give results you similar to shoulder the normal press of the gymnasiums. How to do it? It slightly places the feet in a bank and the hands in the ground more width to shoulders. With your hips to the air with an angle of elevation to as you can, low the head until the ground. Pause, and pushes with shoulders and trceps again the starting point. Image: More exercises?

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