NOTE: References are made throughout the text with numbers are as follows: (1) Gomez Orea, Sunday. "Environmental Impact Assessment." Ed Mundi – Spanish Agricultural Press and Editorial, SA Madrid. 1999. 1st edition. Reference Library Philosophy: FL / TD 194.4. G6.1999. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Southwest Airlines.
(2) Vitor Fernandez-Conesa, Vicente. "Methodological Guidelines for Environmental Impact Assessment." Ed Mundi-Prensa. Madrid. 1997. 3rd edition. Reference Library Philosophy: FL / TD 194.6.C66.1997. 1.
introduction. The first element to be defined how the general structure of an environmental impact assessment (EIA, hereafter) is the objective of the EIA. The key objectives of any EIA are: Describe and analyze the project (both in content and in its target), since the disturbance is generated by the impact. Define and evaluate the medium on which will take effect on the project, since the objective of an Environmental Impact Assessment is to minimize and / or void potential environmental consequences of projects. Anticipating environmental impacts generated and evaluated to judge the suitability of the work, and to allow or not, its realization in the best possible conditions for environmental sustainability. Determine measures will minimize, corrective and compensatory 2. operating structure. When carrying out an EIA we shall take the following steps: a. Decision to conduct the EIA. It was "discovered" the need (in general) to carry out an EIA for our project. This decision involved the following factors (located from highest to lowest percentage importance in the decision of the agents involved in conducting the EIA): The current legislation on this subject (see Directive 85/337/EEC, Directive 97 / 11/CEE, Royal Decree 1302/1986 and Royal Decree 1131/1988 and regional legislation or other specified areas where the need to include a project in an EIA procedure), containing the lists of activities subject to mandatory EIA , and others which are recommended for inclusion in these proceedings.