Edgar Morin Professors

In accordance with the author the great challenge for the formation of the professor in this new millenium is characterized by the uncertainties that the profession provides in them, what it demands of us professors, a commitment renewed with the education, in intention to collaborate for the formation of more human, ethical and conscientious pupils of its paper in the society. One becomes, therefore, basic, to confer to the pertaining to school education of foreign languages a character that, beyond enabling the pupil to understand and to produce correct statements in the new language, propitiates to the apprentice the possibility to reach a level of linguistic ability capable to allow it to access the information of some types, at the same time where she contributes for its general formation while citizen. (PCNs, 2000, p.26). Of this form, in the plural society where we live, it leaves of being priority for the professors of languages to teach grammatical and lexical aspects that only objectify resulted quantitative. In this new millenium it is essential to reconsider the conception of the LE education, therefore as it affirms Edgar Morin (2000, p.30), ‘ ‘ The unexpected one surprises us … the new sprouts without stopping … Is necessary to be capable to review our theories and ideias.’ ‘ It does not have more space for professors who continue thinking and acting on the optics of a reducionista perspective of the education of languages. The economic, social political and cultural transformations of the current world, are demanding of the professors a new reading of world, that enables in them to act in an unknown future and to act ahead of unexpected situations, in an age where the people present great resistance and difficulty in respecting the culture of the other, the form to think different and the proper right of each individual to see and to perceive the world its way..

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