Ecological Toilets

The front edge of the struggle for environmental bathrooms – protection against mold and mildew. We turn to practical action – waterproofing. If you need to carry out the dirty work (lining the walls, etc.), it is best to use for this purpose waterproof plaster (Vetonit tt Glims TS-30, etc.) and fillers (Glims-100, Oiva Markatilatasoite, etc.). Then you can begin waterproofing. There are two main types used for this purpose materials – okleechnye and obmazochnye. Today used mainly obmazochnye cement-based materials (Ceresit cr 66, Elastocem Mono, Coverflex, Sopro dsf 623, Atlas Woder S, etc.). In addition to cement paste mixtures exist in the polymer-based (Ceresit cl 1951, Hidroflex, Sopro PU-FD 570, and so on).

To better protect the corner joints and seams recommended prokleivat their waterproofing tape, for example, Litoband. The correct choice of finishing materials is no less important than the sealing surfaces of the room. So, the best and most environmentally friendly option facing a wall and floor tile is glazed. Its surface has the required properties, and today’s existing diversity of colors, patterns and textures of the tiles can satisfy the most exquisite fantasy. For example, based on a theme of a new collection of tiles of Kerama Marazzi – Thames (Thames) – put an imitation of English tweed texture. Intertiled seams to be processed grouting. The last word in this field are waterproofing grout, for example, Weber Joint Souple, Bolix Bolina, etc.

Best of all, if the composition has antiseptic properties and dirt (as Ceresit ce 40, and so forth). The next step – the ceiling. A good solution would be laminated panels made of pvc. Plastic is not afraid of water, is easily washed off. Also a good choice would be seamless, suspended ceilings with a perfectly smooth surface, for example, Clipso, Descor, etc. Now we should say a few words about the choice of plumbing. For example, surface mixers with time scratching and abrasions, and the water gradually leaves her limescale (whitish stains). Fortunately, there are solutions to protect themselves from it and their loved ones. For example, through the implementation of proprietary technology grohe StarLight coating surface mixers from the world’s leading manufacturer of sanitary fittings resistant to the formation of lime, and tarnishing scratches, and therefore has a soil-repellent properties. No less noteworthy surface bathtubs, sinks and toilets. Determine its quality is very simple: the longer warranty gives product manufacturers, the longer the surface will resist the action of water and mud. For example, the company gives its Kaldewei bath 30-year warranty, which exceeds the lifetime of most analogues. Separate noteworthy sanitary fittings. So, very often traps and weirs are used to divert water from the bathtub or sink, become a source of odor due to accumulating on the walls of dirt.

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