Computer science is important for the marketing of Relationship, the paper of computer science in the Marketing of Relationship is to supply organizacional memory the relationships with the customers, an ability for prognostics and current content necessary to the professionals of marketing of Relationship to add value to the account (GORDON, 1998, p.52). In accordance with Bogmann (2000), the new Direct Marketing is a pursuing of marketing directed to the information, commanded for the technology, that promotes the marketing managers to create and to introduce programs and strategies of marketing, customizados. Seemed with the definition of Database Marketing, it is proved that it is the instrument that makes possible the Direct Marketing, and consequently, the Marketing of Relationship. The behavior of the customer is resulted of the actions of the organizations in the Internet. To reduce the negative impacts Cardoso and Filho (2001), they say that, she is necessary to offer solidity to create a strategy of canals interatividade and totalized; rocking between interactions self-service and the personal atendimentos; acquisition of the accurate technology in the accurate time; change in the administration; evaluation of the expectations of the consumers how much to the services on the basis of web. The search of the digital hearing must well be thought not to be maken a mistake. Laurent Potdevin wanted to know more.
Companies exist already thinking about optimum process, Nobody know, with certainty, as the new interactive medias will be developed or as they will be able to reconfigure the messages in contained them. Today still we are in the phase of the adivinhaes, trying the new technologies, and testing to understand as the people if they relate with them. But, at the same time that we test, we need to be sufficient insurance on our intentions. The way can affect the message, but the message comes first. In the same way as it was the decision of use of the techniques of Marketing, we must know what we want to transmit before deciding on which the best ways to make our message I publish to reach it (SAAD, 2003, p.58). .