It's no secret that children's stories are useful and loved by children. However, the simple children's fairy tales quite common for children. But children's stories written about your child will be a novelty. Moreover, in these tales is in the process education, because fairy tales are intended to have the child develops thinking, imagination and creativity. Parenting with fairy tales is a great way to instill your child a lot of positive qualities. Reading fairy tales children adopt certain traits of character and behavior of the main characters, they take them for a certain basis.
Given that the majority of cartoons, TV shows, movies and just promote violence, protect children from the harmful effects can only fairy tales. After all, what is now and what we saw in our Soviet past, to put it mildly, different. We all remember, "Well wait a minute." This cartoon was creating a positive experience. Now this is no. Therefore, the book of fairy tales are the only sure way to raise a child kindness, sensitivity, love for others, respect, courage, etc. Do not forget that raising children, especially pre-school age, depends heavily on the fact that the child's parents are investing.
At this age, children formed a certain position in life and priorities. Fairy tales are written with the intent and educational component, allow direct the development of your baby in the right direction. In addition, the storytelling – it's quite interesting and fun! But what if the child completely refuses to listen to fairy tales. Of course, it happens rarely, but still happens. In this case, the baby should be something of interest. For example, stories that will be written about him, he probably will like. Remember that story – it's the best way to moral and ethical education young man.