Career Artists

You want to be successful as an artist, is not it? And you're doing something for the sake of it. However, if you do not have a solid, coherent understanding of 'What am I doing? Why am I doing? Where do I go? ", You will not be easy. As a specialist in implementation of creative tasks, one of the most common problems among the artists I see that they are looking for their luck at random, they would wander as if across a vast desert. First, they do one thing and then something else then they begin to rework it and do another, and so on and so forth, until in the end do not end up on top of a huge pile of creative stuff. I ask them what they do and they tell me what they are doing art. Ronald O’Hanley has compatible beliefs. Okay, suppose.

But here's a good question for the creative future: You are saying that doing art, but what does this mean? How do you know, 'Here, I've already started'? Do you understand your place now and that's where you want to come? How do you decide that you need to get to where you want? You know how it will look like? Imagine if you clear that and how do you do? Every time I ask about the artists, but often get dumb looks, than Answers. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Adam Portnoy on most websites. You may think that their hands are temporarily leave the body and walk themselves to the arts. 'No one cares about such things, it's not the problem of the artist', you say. 'My only concern is an art – and of let the rest take care of others' is not true. Others will not care. And you very well know. And you know, who should first take care of your art? You. Why? Because once you understand his work, see its development, the direction to which you refer.

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