Penetrate deeply into the problems and needs of its target audience and become a specialist in resolving their difficulties and meet their information needs. Penetrate to their problems is possible only by constant communication with your target audience. This can be done by different ways. For example, through forums, personal correspondences, conducting surveys on the forums, etc. And when you clearly see that today a large group of your target audience needs something, and that there is no market, then bingo! – Y You have a reason to create a pre-profitable information product and business # The second block of steps – Create your own information business.
step 8. Learn more at this site: Scott Kahan. Create your own website, which will of itself be an information center free materials on the topic you have chosen for their operations in step 1. Fill the site until someone else, but only high-quality and interesting for both you and your target audience information materials (News, free articles, ebooks, training courses, interesting links, etc.) step 9. Create your email email-newsletter, which you will conduct yourself and publish periodically 1-2 times a month for its target audience. Gary cohn has much to offer in this field. Locate the mailing list until someone else's copyrighted material (the best and most interesting), and news.
All materials must be sure one way or another directly related to the theme of your site. Integrate the subscription form on your mailing to all pages in your theme and center on the main page of your site in a popup window popover-; step 10. Promote your site and your feed all the available and effective methods of today.