Agustin Ingenuidad

I’ve been naive Serafin Alarcon not accessed the truth except through love. San Agustin Ingenuidad is the word that comes to my mind when I am aware of a reality that grows every day more evident. If naive I have been to think that everything be intelligent in a way or another would recognize that it is not a universal accident, or any product formula esoteric or astral and is that when I speak on the street with people, I read the newspaper, I listen to the radio, veo television, I read what people write in different forums of the Internet, I realize that our civilization this too entertaining theories ranging from the sublime apparent, to the lowest of consumerism. If a country, a nation entertaining in too many religions, too many theories and too many vices. The essentials of living where it has been? Nobody can answer and I can’t at this time not even find guilty, but I’d rather not venture lest the sad reality to me also involves in the decline of our civilization. I, as a man Christian again I do approach and examine that we are doing we, Christians, to make a difference in a world too entertaining.

Do many of us speak to others of Jesus? How many? Die every year 1.5 million children on the planet by hunger, disease and war. A million people that did not reach the ten years according to UN statistics. Do you know how many tons of leftovers botan daily nationwide fast food restaurants? Do you know that there are groups of children sleeping on the streets in Brazil, China, Peru and other countries? Consumption of cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, crack and others derived from mixture of barbiturates increasingly is larger than did know? Did you know that with the money spent on the war in Iraq at least a hundred poor countries on the planet could pay off its external debt and be able to implement programmes of education, health and housing? This condition that humanity lives really squeezing my soul and Puerto Rico is part of She as we have poorly spent time talking without making how do many of us we send some help to an organization such as Care, World Vision, House protected Julia De Burgos, Muscular Dystrophy and so many and so many others? Those who support our churches instead of letting the blessings that God us to die at the cash registers of a mall or a restaurant? Do those who have asked for forgiveness that we have offended, embraced our children, raised one that has fallen? Too entertained I have been naive, confess, and that’s why I write, that and God are my biggest inspiration..

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