AEMME Supports

Project presentation day women entrepreneurs and micro-businesses in the school official’s engineers industrial de Madrid COIIM – past 09,15 to 14.30, on May 25 was held the day of presentation of the project women entrepreneurs and micro-businesses, organized by the multisectoral Spanish Association of micro – AEMME – facilities ceded by the College official of engineers industrial de Madrid COIIM situated in the calle Hernan Cortes, 13. They gave welcome to the day, the Dean of the school official’s engineers industrial de Madrid COIIM, Don Jesus Rodriguez Cortezo, as well as the President of the multisectoral Spanish Association of microenterprise AEMME-, Victor Delgado, who addressed the audience with the following words: AEMME presents on this day, the best levels of information for different areas: training, support, monitoring and experiencesMicro, in order to enable the creation of economic activity, and the entrepreneuring wealth and employment (self-employment), as well as provide solutions to micro-enterprises already established, in all the needs that are generated in its development. With an attendance of more than one hundred entrepreneuring and micro-enterprises, the shares of companies that bring added value to the business undertaken by women in Spain were happening. (Similarly see: Association of Mineworkers and Construction Union). Among them were,

Sage, E-conta, Pellegrina Villar, S.L., Mundofranquicia, Barbadillo partners and Tormo & Asociados, COIIM, ANEI AEMME international with its IBEROLAB project in the area of internationalization. Participation more active, dynamic and hopeful was conducted by a group of women entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs that provided solutions, experiences and vision and mood the rest of women present that they led to this professional challenge. This lively group of women are still supporting and collaborating in numerous actions as a principle of a fruitful working relationship and future contact. Mercedes Wullich (women & Cia) Alejandra Gonzalez (Humanvision) pillar Valladolid (human development) Pilar Esteban (Markarte) Helena Olcina (new website) Rocio Pita (Duata Consulting) Maria Soledad Gutierrez (AIF) Araceli Navas (ControlTec engineering) all these successful entrepreneurs who, with his encouragement, effort and commitment, take your company forward every day, are a clear example to take into account in the working world, and even more so in the tough times of current employment crisis.

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