Aaron Beck

With the use of the techniques of the TCC, it this program for specific norteamento of its application for the work with the emagrecimento elaborated. In its book? It thinks Lean: The Definitive Diet of Beck? – launched in the United States in 2007 and Brazil in 2008? Beck considers a program of six weeks, with daily readings. The readings allow that each day is a psicoterpico work and allows the recognition of mannering standards and disfuncionais thoughts. Each day possesss a relation of predetermined tasks of house. The preface is written by? father? of the TCC, Aaron Beck, in which he presents? He thinks Lean? as a new field for the cognitiva therapy.

It remembers that when carrying through studies with depressive people, in which elaborated the cognitiva therapy, did not think that this theory could be so useful in as many areas and with so different focos of performance. Although to be an option for the problematic task of emagrecer, as Judith Beck tells, the program it is not indicated for who possesss symptoms or already it has one I diagnosis of alimentary upheavals as CID X and DSM IV. Beck soon places this comment at the beginning of the book, sending the participant to answer a questionnaire, to verify if the person it possesss some of the symptoms of alimentary upheaval and if really it is prepared to emagrecer. One year after the launching of the first book, Beck only elaborated a book of Tasks. It possesss the same structure that the first one. However, more the activities are focadas proposals for the program, bringing summarized tables, pictures, questionnaires and concepts more. To know more about this subject visit Munear Ashton Kouzbari. The two books are added for the performance of the work with the program. Being of great importance that the participants have in hands the book of tasks, therefore thus more they will be made familiar to the techniques, theories and tasks.

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